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Newsletter Archive

4 min read
Q2 2023: A Reminder, The Stock Market Is Truly A Market Of Stocks
Three months ago, we discussed how investors' uncertainty created stock market volatility, ultimately resulting in numerous opportunities...

5 min read
First Quarter, 2023: As Uncertainty Persists… Opportunities Abound
As with 2022, volatility is omnipresent. Three months into the new year, the stock market (as measured by the S&P 500 Index) has gained...

6 min read
EOY 2022: Staying The Course As The Fed Attempts To Unwind Its Mess
Three years ago, the Federal Reserve (and Government Officials) unleashed an unlimited amount of money into our economy to stave off any...

4 min read
Q3 2022: We Weren’t Joking When We Said “Don’t Fight The Fed”
A Familiar Fed Playbook The past three months were no different from the prior six months. The Federal Reserve (“Fed”) has actually...

2 min read
Q2 2022: A Life’s Lesson In Two Months’ Time
Last month we used this valuable real estate to discuss the rapid decline of the stock market over a 30-day period, resulting in this...

4 min read
Q1 2021: Speculation: A Game Of Musical Chairs
As we near the end of the first quarter of 2021, the beat goes on for the stock market. Through today (March 25th) the stock market, as...

2 min read
Q4 2021: Were The Events Of November An Early Christmas Present Or Par For The Course?
Last we wrote in October; we summarized the potential earth-shattering events of November. They included the election, vaccine(s), and...

3 min read
Q3 2021: An “Up” Stock Market in September… Even With The Appearance Of An Inverted Yield Curve!
Last month, we used this valuable real estate to summarize the infamous inverted yield curve and the subsequent pending doom it projects....

4 min read
Q1 2021: Successfully Timing The Stock Market: A Tough Ask!
There is an old investing adage: Time in the market beats timing the market. Even in a normal investment climate, adhering to this sage...

3 min read
EOY 2020: A Cloudy Year With A Rainbow At The End…No Thanks To The U.S. Media
In January 2020 the stock market (as measured by the S&P 500 Index) was coming off a year with 30%+ gains that only fueled the question...

2 min read
Q4 2020: Look No Further Than February To Zero In On What Happened In October
On October 31, 2018, the stock market (as measured by the S&P 500 Index) closed at 2,711, roughly 7% below where it started the month....

4 min read
Q3 2020: Zero Interest Rates… Here For The Taking
On more than one occasion we have utilized this valuable real estate to discuss interest rates and their impact on, well, really anything...

3 min read
Q3 2020: Trillion Dollar Companies: Historical Proof There Is Substance Here
We are officially in the back half of the year… one that most everyone cannot wait to see come to an end. Everyone except maybe for a...

3 min read
Q2 2019: Market Commentary Worth Listening To…. The Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
The last few months has been defined by one subject: Trade. More specifically, trade with China. For a good month or so, it appeared the...

3 min read
Q2 2020: The Shape Game… It’s Like Kindergarten All Over Again (But Back Then It Meant Something)
In investing, just like in life, people tend to lock onto a concept/term they hear and refuse to let it go. It takes on a life of its own...

3 min read
Q1 2020: The New Decade’s First Bear Market… Fast & Furious
he further along a bull market runs, it is only natural to wonder “when will it end” or even “how will it end.” At the end of the first...

4 min read
Q1 2020: What You Don’t Know, Won’t Hurt You
“What You Don’t Know, Won’t Hurt You” … Apparently, Not If You Are The Stock Market As of March 5, 2020, the stock market (as measured by...

6 min read
EOY 2019: By Itself, Remarkable Year; Broaden Out Your Horizon and Par For The Course
The Stock Market Review This past year saw the stock market (as measured by the S&P 500 Index) gain more than 28%. It’s greatest rise...

2 min read
Q4 2019: Record Equity Outflows Singing a Tune Long-Term Investors Typically Love To Hear
Through November the stock market (as measured by the S&P 500 Index) was up 25%+ for the year. A reflection of a strong domestic economy,...

2 min read
Q4 2019: Earnings Season: What is it telling us (if anything)
Every three months we are treated to a six-week period of publicly traded companies announcing their just completed quarterly financials;...

4 min read
The WeWork Debacle: Another Example Of What Makes The Stock Market A Great Place To Invest
As we head into the end of the year, it seems investors are unfazed by the same old news. Throughout October, we were continually...

3 min read
Q3 2019: October… The “Jinx Month”… Or Maybe Not
The tenth month of the calendar year brings lots of change for all of us. Temperatures begin to drop (more so for some than others), it...

3 min read
Q3 2019: A Recession Is Coming, A Recession Is Coming…What Exactly Does This Mean For Investments
The month of August continued the flat theme that we chronicled in our last newsletter. While there was plenty of volatility, driving...

3 min read
Q3 2019: Over Past Twelve Months, The Financial News (Or Noise) Has Been Deafening… Does It Matter
Benjamin Graham, the father of value investing, used to say that in the short run, the stock market is like a voting machine, tallying up...

2 min read
Q1 2019: The Recent Stock Market Rollercoaster… No Place For Market Timing
One month into the year and the stock market has pivoted dramatically from where it was trending in the last quarter of 2018. On...

3 min read
EOY 2018: The Year Volatility Returned
Remember the “World’s Ugliest Dog Contest”? Well, the 4th quarter of 2018 reminds us of the winner. It was the culmination of a year that...

2 min read
Q4 2018: A Trip Down Memory Lane As The “Real Stock Market” Returns
Through the end of February, the stock market (as measured by the S&P 500 Index) is up 11.50% year to date. This is not surprising...

2 min read
First Half of 2018 Recap: Is It Activity For Activity’s Sake… Or Is There Something To This
Six months into the year, the stock market (as measured by the S&P 500 Index) is slightly above where it began the year. Officially, the...

2 min read
Q2 2018: Should We Really “Sell In May & Go Away?”
The world of investing is full of phrases that some participants live by while others scoff at. On the one hand, Wall Street (the place...

2 min read
Q2 2018: Calling Stock Market Tops: The Pundits Vs. The S&P 500 Index
At any given time, a consistent question of financial professionals is: What do you think the “market” is going to do? After nearly a...

2 min read
Q1 2018: The Opportunity Of Earnings Season
The month of April has brought a collective thud for the stock market investor. Overall the S&P 500 Index finished positive for the...

2 min read
EOY 2017: The Difference A Year Makes
As we noted in our February newsletter, our old friend volatility has returned to the stock market. Look no further than our first chart...

3 min read
Q1 2018: Made In China No More… Should We Care This Much About Tariffs
Ever since our President has begun reworking our Country’s trade agreements with our major trade partners, tariffs have taken center...

2 min read
Q1 2018: Is the (Nearly) Free Money Era Over?
Nearly six weeks into the New Year, the question on most investors’ minds is: “What the heck happened to my stock market that essentially...

2 min read
Q1 2018: A Down Month! Look Out Below... Or Not!
February marked the first down month (-3.89%) since March of last year. And the drop of .04% in that month was so minuscule you had to...

7 min read
2017 End Of Year Client Letter
AN INVESTING REFRESHER There is always a bit of excitement in the investment community when it comes to thinking about what the new...
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